Season Two Kes Episodes
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Season 2 of Star Trek: Voyager I would say overall is an improvement over Season 1. There is an ongoing plot with Seska and the Kazon. I think they are a good enemy to Voyager. All the characters are treated equally still, getting a couple of strong episodes each really and then there are the ensemble episodes where the whole cast get equal parts. The top episodes this Season include: "Persistance of Vision", "Cold Fire", "Maneuvers", "Alliances", "Meld", "Death Wish", "Investigations", "Deadlock", "Resolutions" and "Basics" Part 1. "Threshold" and "The Thaw" are the least good ones in the Season, they are both a little ridiculous! The first cliff-hanger is used at the end of this Season, it is a top episode and very effective. See bottom of this page for Full Episode List. Season 2 is 22 episodes long.

For Kes, this Season is quite good. She has her best episode "Cold Fire" and "Persistance of Vision" is also a very good episode for her. There are a few more episodes with significant parts for her. But the rest she is only seen briefly in Sickbay really, and is absent from a couple.

Most Images are from The Official Star Trek Website

Click on an episode name here or just scroll down:
[Parturition] [Persistance of Vision] [Cold Fire] [Deadlock] [Tuvix]


After Kes asks Paris to be her flight instructor, he finds himself falling for her. A jealous Neelix picks up on the Lieutenant's crush, and instigates a messy fight with Paris in the mess hall. Despite - or because of - the friction between them, Janeway decides to send the sparring pair on a shuttlecraft mission to replenish food supplies. The most likely source is a planet surrounded by trigemic vapors, which can cause severe skin irritation.
As they approach the planet, electromagnetic disturbances in the atmosphere cause the shuttlecraft to lose power, and they're forced to make an emergency landing on the planet. Tracking the shuttle, Voyager's crew notes their problems and launches a search-and-rescue mission.
In order to lessen their exposure to the dangerous vapors on the planet's surface, Neelix and Paris seek refuge in a cave and seal themselves in. Back on Voyager, search efforts are hampered by an attack from an alien vessel that places itself between Voyager and the planet. The crew is ultimately able to disable the alien ship's weapons systems and proceed to the planet.
In the cave, Paris and Neelix cautiously explore their environment. They find footprints leading to a clutch of eggs. As they watch, a reptohumanoid creature hatches from one of them. With the baby's mother nowhere in sight, Neelix decides that it's their responsibility to care for it. But when the baby's heartbeat begins to weaken, Paris realizes that by sealing the cave, they've cut off the supply of vapors the newborn needs to survive. Opening it up, they manage to get some of the nutrients from the air into the baby's system and it gets stronger.
Bonded by their concern for the creature, Paris and Neelix resolve their differences as they wait for the crew to find them. There is only a limited window of opportunity for Voyager to beam them aboard, but when, at last, the "window" opens and Voyager is able to contact the pair, Paris and Neelix delay beaming up for the sake of the baby. Soon, one of the aliens shows up on the scene; it seems to be the baby's mother. As Paris and Neelix watch, she retrieves the newborn. Satisfied, the Away Team returns to Voyager, where the two new friends go off to have a celebratory drink with Kes.

Kes: What happened? I heard that you...
Neelix: Nothing happened.
Kes: They said that you and Tom Paris...
Neelix: Kes, we'll talk when I get back.
Kes: I want to know. Neelix, is it true that you were fighting?
Neelix: When I get back.

Kes's Role:
Kes is sort of at the centre of this episode, but not in it all that much. She is having Shuttlecraft piloting lessons from Tom Paris and he is falling in love with her. Neelix is well aware of this and a fight between the two takes place. Then Janeway sends them on a mission together and they do eventually work it out by working together taking care of the alien baby. When they return to Voyager to Kes's surprise they are now the best of friends.

"Parturition" is not one of the best episodes, it's a stranded on a planet episode. But it is enjoyable and has quite a bit to do with Kes in the plot. The alien baby does look a little ridiculous though, but it couldn't really have been done any better.

My Episode Rating: 6.5/10

Persistance of Vision

As Voyager readies for a potentially dangerous encounter with the Botha, the Doctor orders an exhausted Captain Janeway to take some "R&R" in the holodeck. Janeway tries to get into her favorite holonovel, but before long, she is called back to the Bridge for first contact with the Botha. The Bothan representative gives the crew a chilly reception, but sets up a rendezvous to determine whether or not they will allow Voyager to pass through their space.
Later, Janeway thinks she sees Beatrice, the little girl from her holonovel, in one of the ship's corridors. Unable to attribute Beatrice's appearance to experiments the crew is performing on Voyager's imaging systems, Janeway wonders if she's seeing things. But then Kes sees Beatrice, too. Later, after Janeway hears the voice of her fiance Mark, Mrs. Templeton, another holonovel character, attacks her with a knife. Again, Kes confirms the event.
Janeway puts Chakotay in charge of meeting with the Botha while she undergoes medical testing. Once again, the alien representative is hostile and this time, his ship engages the crew in a battle, leaving Voyager damaged. Leaving Sickbay, Janeway races to the Bridge, where the Bothan is on the viewscreen. She's stunned to see it's Mark.
At least, that's how it looks to her. But on the same viewscreen, Paris sees his disparaging father, Admiral Paris; Kim sees his girlfriend Libby; and Tuvok sees his wife T'Pel. Torres contacts Janeway from Engineering and reports that the crew seems to have fallen under some kind of psychoactive trance, the result of a bio-electric field emanating from the Bothan ship. But even as she begins working on a way to block the field, she falls prey to its spell.
It's up to Kes, whose telepathic abilities allow her to resist the field, and the Doctor to block the mysterious force that's disabling the ship. Kes manages to complete Torres' work and restore the crew to normal. A telepathic Bothan confesses to having caused the disturbance, but he disappears before they can learn any more from him. As they continue on their way, the crew reflects uneasily about what's lurking in the subconscious corridors of their minds.

B'Ellana: Is that who's responsible for all this?
Kes: Apparently. He looks so harmless, it's hard to believe he almost destroyed us.
Alien: You're a powerful little thing, I must say you surprised me.

Kes's Role:
Kes sees some of the same things that Janeway does while she is in Sickbay. Then towards the end of the episode it is up to Kes to save Voyager. Only her and the Doctor are not in a 'trance', Kes goes to Engineering and manages to block the field from the aliens ship, even though a representation of Neelix had appeared to her, trying to get her to give in. With her mental abilities, Kes projects back boils onto the alien and defeats him.

"Persistance of Vision" has a very good plot for Kes, to show what a powerful character she is. She saves the ship and crew, in the end. The whole episode is good, with parts for other characters too.

My Episode Rating: 8.5/10

Cold Fire

Kes and the Doctor notice a peculiar change in the remains of the Caretaker, the alien who trapped Voyager in the Delta Quadrant. They seem to be resonating in response to an unusual energy source. Remembering that the dying Caretaker had mentioned a female of its kind, Janeway wonders if she could be nearby. If so, a meeting with her could be their ticket home. As a precaution, Tuvok develops a toxin that could debilitate the female lifeform if she poses a threat. Following the energy trail, the crew comes upon a space station inhabited by Ocampa, who fire on the ship.
Kes agrees to act as the crew's liaison to her people, and when the Ocampa leader, Tanis, boards Voyager, she assures him that the crew comes in peace. In a private meeting, Tanis tells Kes that the female caretaker, Suspiria, is nearby. She has taken care of this group of Ocampa for 300 years, and has taught them to develop their psychokinetic skills. He shows Kes a sample of the powerful abilities she has yet to tap. Later, Tanis communicates with Suspiria, who demands that he deliver Voyager to her.
As Tanis leads the crew to Suspiria, he tutors Kes on her telepathic skills. The lessons nearly end in disaster when Kes tries to boil water with her mind and, to her horror, inadvertently boils Tuvok's blood instead. He collapses, writhing in agony.
Fortunately, Tuvok recovers from the near-fatal incident. Kes realizes the full potential of her mental powers when her mind causes the plants in the airponics bay to burn up. Tanis urges Kes to leave Voyager and live on the Ocampa space station, where he says she will be embraced by Suspiria and surrounded by her own people.
Suspiria comes aboard the ship and tells Janeway that she will destroy Voyager in retaliation for the crew's part in the Caretaker's death. Suspiria attacks several officers and is ready to complete her mission of revenge when Kes becomes aware of the monstrous plot. Kes attacks Tanis with her expanded psychic abilities, and Tanis' pain temporarily incapacitates Suspiria. Janeway is then able to fire the toxin, subduing her. Janeway allows Suspiria and Tanis to leave the ship, while Kes remains with her friends on Voyager.

Kes: I can feel her presence. She's powerful, turbulent... she's upset, she's angry!
Tanis: Kes
Kes: She wants to destroy the ship!
Tanis: Kes listen to me there's nothing to worry about.
Neelix: Am I interrupting?
Tanis: Forget these people, you're beyond them.
Kes: No
Neelix: Leave her alone Tanis!
Tanis: Remember how you felt in the Airponics bay, you've never felt that way in your life have you?
Kes: Get away from me!
Tanis: That was only the beginning Kes.
Neelix: I said leave her along!
[Tanis throws Neelix across the room with his powers]
Kes: Neelix!
Tanis: Leave him, leave him Kes, he's nothing compared to you. You have to trust...
[Kes uses her mental powers on Tanis]
Tanis: Susperia.

Kes's Role:
"Cold Fire" is another completely Kes episode. Voyager comes across another array, like the Caretaker's and meets more Ocampa. It seems as though Kes's mental abilities have become so much more powerful, but it actually was Tanis's influence on her. But Tuvok does tell her that those abilities may well resurface one day, they do in "The Gift"!

"Cold Fire" is definitely the best Kes episode and it is my number 1 Voyager episode. Kes is seen to be powerful, she saves Voyager again, and is wonderful character.

My Episode Rating: 9.5/10


As Voyager enters a plasma cloud to evade approaching Vidiian ships, Ensign Wildman goes into labor and delivers a baby girl. But as the crew emerges from the cloud, a series of astounding events occur: the warp engines stall, the antimatter supplies drain, and proton bursts cause a hull breach. What's more, Kim is sucked out into space, Kes vanishes in a mysterious void, and Wildman's baby dies.
As the hull breach widens, the ship is forced to run on emergency power. Another proton burst hits and Chakotay orders everyone off the bridge. To her surprise, Janeway sees herself walk across the bridge, which she assumes is a spatial fluctuation caused by their passage through the plasma cloud. Janeway visits Wildman in Sickbay and admires her newborn baby, who appears to be fine. The crew also beams aboard an unconscious patient who's identical to Kes.
This Kes "double" reports the same series of astounding occurrences, which leads Janeway to speculate that there's another Voyager nearby. Apparently, a divergence field has caused all sensor readings to double and every particle on the ship to duplicate. Unfortunately, there isn't enough antimatter to sustain both vessels. Janeway alerts the other Voyager crew, led by a duplicate Janeway. After a merger of the ships fails, Janeway decides to go over to the other ship through the void Kes disappeared into.
The two Janeways meet and strategize their options. The captain of the more heavily damaged Voyager proposes to self-destruct her ship and crew to save the other Voyager. With the Vidiians closing in, the two captains know they must act quickly or both ships and crews will be destroyed. Meanwhile, the Vidiians board one of the Voyagers.
Desperate to steal healthy organs to help battle a plague known as the Phage, the Vidiians begin attacking crewmembers. One of the Janeway captains decides to act. She sets her ship on self-destruct and orders the duplicate Kim to take Wildman's baby through the void. The Vidiians are destroyed when the duplicate Voyager explodes, while Kim, the baby and the other Voyager crew are saved.

Kes: I was running through the corridor with my med kit, Deck 15. Then I suddenly felt dizzy and my vision started to blur. After that I don't remember anything until you woke me up just now.

Kes's Role:
Kes is present in Sickbay, when she and the Doctor are trying to deliver Samantha Wildman's baby and deal with the many wounded. When Kes goes to try and help Hogan, she disappears into a void and crosses over to the other Voyager. She tells Janeway what has happened and returns with Kes to the other Voyager to talk to the other Janeway. This is really an ensemble episode, giving all of the cast equal parts again.

"Deadlock" is a very action packed episode that does keep you interested all the way through. And a return for the Vidiians is done very well. This must be one of the most action packed episode of Voyager in the first three Seasons when Voyager gets into a pretty bad state. It seems a little like "Year of Hell" in Season 4 that part.

My Episode Rating: 8/10


On an away mission to locate nutritional supplements, Tuvok and Neelix find a promising native orchid. Later, when the crew beams them back to Voyager with samples of the flowers, the pair never arrives. Instead, a single entity appears on the transporter platform. The Doctor confirms that this strange but oddly familiar alien is actually a fusion of Tuvok and Neelix. With all the memories and abilities of the pair, the new crewmember decides to name himself "Tuvix."
The senior officers meet and conclude that the symbiogenetic properties of the orchids the pair carried during transport caused the "merger" that created Tuvix. After the meeting, Tuvix attempts to adjust to his new identity, and Kes tries to adjust to Tuvix. Although she's drawn to him, she is unsettled by the amalgam's affection for her.
After Paris and Torres gather more samples of the alien orchid, they manage to confirm the method of Tuvix's creation by beaming together new plant hybrids, but are unsuccessful in their attempts to reverse the process. The Doctor admits he's not optimistic about bringing Tuvok and Neelix back as separate individuals. On hearing this, Kes mourns the loss of two men: her lover and her mentor.
Kes tells Janeway that despite Tuvix's wonderful qualities, she's not ready to let go of Neelix. Several weeks pass, and Tuvix settles into life aboard the ship. In time, Kes reaches out to him and apologizes for being distant. Just as it looks as if everyone has adjusted to Voyager's new crewmember, the Doctor announces that he's devised a way to restore him to his two original components. There's just one problem: Tuvix doesn't want to die, even if it means allowing the other two men to live.
Tuvix argues that he has a right to survive, and that restoring Tuvok and Neelix's lives amounts to his execution. The Doctor refuses to take Tuvix's life against his will, so in the end, Janeway is forced to take responsibility for performing the procedure. Tuvok and Neelix are fully restored, but Janeway's relief is tempered by the weight of her decision to end Tuvix's life.

Janeway: Kes.
Kes: Captain, I'm sorry I shouldn't have bothered you this late. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Janeway: Actually, I was having trouble sleeping. I could use some company. Please, sit down. I was just looking over some old letters Tuvok sent me, when he was assigned to Jupiter Station. Most people would say his writing is cold, analytical, detached. But I've always thought it to be consise, efficient, thoughtful. I hear his voice when I read the words. And Neelix, I've become so fond of him, Kes I can't imagine what you're going through.
Kes: I wanted to talk to you about Tuvix. He came to see me this afternoon. He said that he loved me.
Janeway: I suppose I can see how that's possible, given the circumstances.
Kes: I wasn't sure what to say. At first I was angry, but I know he's trying to comfort me and I know how me feels alone too. To tell the truth he's a wonderful person.
Janeway: Do you have feelings for him too, Kes?
Kes: No, I don't. I mean how could I? I still love Neelix and I'm not ready to give up on him, no matter what the Doctor says.
Janeway: I know how you feel. You're experiencing what people on this crew have been going through since we got stranded in this Quadrant. Do we accept that we've been separated from our loved ones forever? Or do we hold on to the hope that someday we'll be with them again?
Kes: What do you do Captain?
Janeway: Well, I struggle with it every day. Sometimes I'm full of hope and optimism, other times I dream about being with Mark and it's so real. Then I wake up and realise it's just a dream, I'm terribly discouraged. In those moments it's impossible to deny just how far away he really is. I know that someday I may have to accept that he's not part of my life anymore.
Kes: So, are you saying that I should just accept Neelix isn't a part of my life anymore?
Janeway: I would never tell you or anyone else to give up hope, Kes. I think the best thing you can do now is give yourself time.
Kes: Thank you Captain. I'll go now and let you sleep.
[They hug]
Janeway: My door is always open to you Kes.

Kes's Role:
There is a pretty big role for Kes in this episode because it is involving Neelix and her friend and mentor Tuvok. In the end Kes admits to Janeway that she does just want Neelix back.

"Tuvix" is a very good character episode. Usually in something like this there'd be a B plot, with the ship in danger but not this time. Maybe if you didn't like the characters of Kes, Neelix or Tuvok you wouldn't like this. That is why they'd usually have a B plot but I do really like this.

My Episode Rating: 8/10

Full Episode List

  • Initiations
  • Non Sequitur
  • Parturition
  • Persistance of Vision
  • Tattoo
  • Cold Fire
  • Maneuvers
  • Resistance
  • Prototype
  • Alliances
  • Threshold
  • Meld
  • Dreadnought
  • Death Wish
  • Lifesigns
  • Investigations
  • Deadlock
  • Innocence
  • The Thaw
  • Tuvix
  • Resolutions
  • Basics Part 1