Season Three Kes Episodes
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In Season 3 the episodes are still very good. It is my personal favourite overall. There's no on going plot, really it is all individual episodes. "Basics" Part 2, "Flashback", "The Swarm", "Future's End" Parts 1 and 2, "Warlord", "The Q and the Grey", "Macrocosm", "Coda", "Unity", "Darkling", "Before and After", "Real Life", "Worst Case Scenario" and "Scorpion" Part 1 are the top episodes, quite a few! "Favourite Son" is probably the only episode I don't really like. You would have known the Borg would be coming because they are native to the Delta Quadrant. See bottom of this page for Full Episode List. The third Season is full length with 26 episodes.

Kes has a quite good Season again, her last as a main cast member throughout. She isn't underused and probably has more episodes this season with a big part than the two before. "Warlord" and "Before and After" are both completely Kes episodes and "The Swarm", "Sacred Ground" and "Darkling" have big parts for her too. But unlike Season 1, the other episodes give her very small parts. "Before and After" gives Kes long hair and then she has it for the rest of her time on Voyager, it does look very nice. The producers were trying to make her more 'sexy' with that and new all in one outfits.

Most Images are from The Official Star Trek Website

Click on an episode name here or just scroll down:
[Basics Part 2] [The Swarm] [Sacred Ground] [Warlord] [Darkling] [Before and After]

Basics Part 2

Stranded by the Kazon on a desolate planet ravaged by earthquakes and vicious cave creatures, the crew seeks food and shelter. At the same time, Paris, who managed to flee Voyager in a shuttle before the Kazon seized the ship, solicits help from the Talaxians.
On Voyager, the Doctor surprises Seska when he reveals that her newborn baby isn't Chakotay's child after all -- he's Culluh's. After she leaves, the Doctor discovers that he's not the only member of the crew left on the ship; Ensign Suder, the violent sociopath whom Tuvok has been attempting to rehabilitate, is still aboard. They join forces against the Kazon, but as they plot strategy, Suder expresses regret over the fact that he will probably need to kill Kazon to wrest control of Voyager.
On the planet, Kes and Neelix are kidnapped by the primitive humanoid natives. Chakotay and a rescue party free them, but during their getaway, they're all forced to take cover in one of the dangerous caves. They manage to elude the enormous eel-like creature that lives inside, and seal off the opening as they exit.
As Paris heads back to Voyager with reinforcements, he sends a message to the Doctor, asking him to disable the secondary phaser couplings. Suder has been sabotaging Voyager's systems from within, using an old Maquis trick to avoid detection. But former Maquis Seska figures out that there's a saboteur aboard and confronts the Doctor. He claims that he's the only saboteur and Seska disables his program before he can disable the back-up couplings. That leaves Suder as the crew's last hope, and he heroically disables the phasers before being killed by a Kazon.
Paris knocks out Voyager's main phasers, and when Culluh tries to use the back-up system, Seska and many of the others on the Bridge are mortally wounded. She dies as Paris and the Talaxians board Voyager, and Culluh takes the baby with him when he abandons the ship. Paris takes control of the starship and goes back for the crew. Later, Tuvok offers a Vulcan prayer of peace over Suder's body as Janeway sets a course for home.


Kes's Role:
All of the Voyager crew except The Doctor and Suder and including Kes, of course, are put onto the Planet by the Kazon. Kes helps with Samantha Wildman's baby who is sick. And, Neelix and Kes are kidnapped by the primative's native to the planet.

"Basics" makes a great Two-Part episode and a wonderful cliff-hanger from Season 2 into 3. But I got it on video so didn't have to wait quite a while for Part 2, like people would have had to when it was originally broadcast! It brings the Kazon on-going plot to an end after Two Seasons and they were first seen in the pilot episode "Caretaker". But I do like the Kazon and Seska as an enemy to Voyager. Seska is an amazing character, in a way it is a shame she dies, but I suppose it had to happen. She returns later in this Season as a hologram in "Worst Case Scenario" and then in the Season 7 episode "Shattered".

My Episode Rating: 9/10

The Swarm

Paris and Torres are confronted by aliens who materialize on their shuttle, fire a weapon at the pair and disappear as quickly as they'd appeared. Although Paris sustains serious injuries from the charge, Torres recovers sufficiently to get them back to Voyager. Neelix tells Janeway that he doesn't know these aliens by name, only by reputation. They attack any outsider who dares to enter their territory, swarming in mass like angry insects. Unfortunately, charting a route around their huge territory isn't feasible, so Janeway opts to stay on course.
In Sickbay, the Doctor can't remember how to complete an operation; the Emergency Medical Hologram's memory circuits seem to be degrading. The only way to help him is to reinitialize his program, but Torres reveals that if she does that, all of the memories the Doctor has acquired in the past two years would be lost, along with much of his personality. Torres transfers the Doctor's program to a holodeck recreation of Jupiter Station, where his database originally had been written. There, they meet a holographic recreation of Dr. Lewis Zimmerman, creator of the EMH. "Zimmerman" explains the Doctor's "meltdown" is understandable, since his program was designed to run for only 1,500 hours.
The crew adjusts Voyager's shields so that the ship can slip through the aliens' sensor net without being spotted. But as Voyager proceeds, one of the tiny alien ships fires a polaron burst that makes the starship once again visible on their sensors. The "swarm" begins to pursue Voyager and the crew assumes battle stations. The small ships attach themselves to the ship and begin draining its energy. Realizing that every vessel in the swarm is connected at some quantum level, the crew is able to create an explosive chain reaction that drives them off long enough for the ship to get through their territory.
With the Doctor's memory degradation becoming worse every minute, Kes convinces the Zimmerman program to graft his matrix onto the Doctor's. The procedure works, although it will be a matter of time before they know if the Doctor retained all of his memories.


Kes's Role:
Kes is the only person available to help to save The Doctor while every other member of the crew is occupied in the battle with the Swarm. She really does care for him and is a good friend, she won't give up on him. She interacts with Lewis Zimmerman and gives him the idea which does save The Doctor.

"The Swarm" is a very good episode with the action-packed part and the character part for The Doctor and Kes. The Swarm are a very interesting sort of enemy and look great, there are really good Special Effects in this episode.

My Episode Rating: 8/10

Sacred Ground

While visiting the Nechani homeworld, Kes ventures into a shrine of the Nechisti Order and is struck by a mysterious energy burst, rendering her comatose. Unfortunately, when back on the ship, the Doctor can't help Kes because he doesn't understand her condition. The local magistrate tells Janeway that Kes violated a holy place that only monks may enter -- and only after they have undergone a purification ritual to protect them from the energy field. Later, Neelix uncovers an ancient story of a king who went through the ritual to save his comatose son's life. Janeway requests permission to do the same.
The Nechisti Council approves Janeway's petition and the Doctor implants a subdermal bioprobe to monitor her physical condition during the ritual. A guide meets Janeway at the sanctuary and leads her to a room where three old people claim they are also waiting for the ritual to start, and have been there for as long as they can remember.
With Kes' life in the balance, Janeway impatiently demands that the ritual begin. The Guide hands the Captain a rock, and asks her what she sees. Janeway says she sees a stone, and is told to keep looking. The Guide takes her through a series of challenges, and hours later, an exhausted Janeway is told to put her hand in a basket, and an unseen creature called a "nesset" bites her. Janeway collapses, and the Guide puts her in an underground chamber.
On Voyager, the Doctor tracks the toxins from the bite as they course through Janeway's bloodstream, theorizing it might be the key to treating Kes. In a vision, Janeway asks the spirits to restore Kes' health, and her Guide cryptically tells the Captain that she already has what she needs to save Kes, and ends the ritual. Janeway returns to Voyager, where the Doctor prepares a cure from the toxins in Janeway's system. Yet when he applies it to Kes, she actually gets worse. Baffled, Janeway confronts the Guide, who sends her back to the waiting room.
The Council Members--the three old people Janeway encountered earlier--chide Janeway for having no faith in the spirits just because she can't scan them with her technology. Janeway realizes that if she's going to save Kes, she has to believe -- if not in the spirits, then in her own faith that she can help Kes. Her only option is to take Kes back through the energy field, even though scans show it's deadly. Against Chakotay's and Neelix's advice, Janeway carries Kes into the shrine, and this time--whether it's due to the Captain's altered biochemistry or her newfound irrational faith--the energy field doesn't harm them, and Kes recovers.


Kes's Role:
Kes, in the pre-credits sequence, is on Nechisti home world with some of the rest of the crew and she examines a shrine. She is struck down by an energy field and enters a coma. She is seen in Sickbay, in the coma. And, at the end of the episode she is taken down to the planet and Janeway re-enters the shrine, which makes Kes recover, and Janeway is fine.

"Sacred Ground" is a Janeway episode. She goes through a very enduring ritual with various difficult challenges to try and save Kes. It is really a character episode for Kathryn Janeway, her going through all of this and thinking she has failed. It is very enjoyable.

My Episode Rating: 7.5/10


Voyager beams aboard three people just before their damaged ship explodes: an Ilari female named Nori, her injured spouse Tieran and an Ilari male named Adin. Although the Doctor and Kes try to save him, Tieran dies. Not long after, Neelix is shocked when Kes announces she'd like to spend some time apart from him. When Voyager arrives at Ilari, the local leader, known as "the Autarch," sends a representative to the ship instead of coming himself. Inexplicably, Kes pulls out a phaser, kills the representative and a crewmember, and escapes in a stolen shuttlecraft with Adin and Nori.
Kes takes the shuttle to a military encampment and takes command of the waiting troops. In the meantime, Janeway meets with Demmas, the Autarch's oldest son, who explains that Kes' body is now inhabited by Tieran, a former Ilarian ruler who was overthrown by Demmas' ancestor 200 years ago. Since then, Tieran has lived on by transferring his mind to a series of host bodies. Janeway agrees to help Demmas stop Kes/Tieran, but before she can, the tyrant has killed the Autarch in front of Demmas' younger brother, Ameron, and appointed himself the new Autarch.
Kes/Tieran tries to poison Ameron's thoughts against Demmas and urges him to cooperate with the new regime. In the meantime, the Doctor designs a synaptic stimulator that will remove Tieran's neural pattern from Kes -- if they can get close enough to use it. Tuvok beams into the Autarch's palace, but is caught and imprisoned before he can succeed in the attempt. When Kes/Tieran interrogates Tuvok, the Vulcan is able to initiate a mind-meld and speak directly to Kes, who tells Tuvok she is fighting Tieran for control.
Kes/Tieran orders Voyager to leave orbit, but the stress of the mental battle between Kes and Tieran results in a paranoid Kes/Tieran killing Adin. To Nori's chagrin, Kes/Tieran announces she's marrying Ameron. Moments later, a coalition of Voyager's crew and Demmas' forces bursts into the palace. Paris releases Tuvok, while Neelix places the synaptic stimulator on Kes/Tieran. Tieran jumps to a new host body - Ameron - but Kes places the device on him and Tieran is finally destroyed. Demmas, the rightful heir, becomes Autarch.


Kes's Role:
Another completely Kes episode. In Star Trek practically all of the characters do get possessed at some time. Kes goes 'evil', possessed by Tieran.

"Warlord" is an excellent episode, my second favourite Voyager actually, after "Cold Fire". There is wonderful acting from Jennifer Lien, she plays an evil sort of character very well too! It shows what a powerful character Kes is and what good episodes they can write for her.

My Episode Rating: 9.5/10


Voyager visits an outpost of the Mikhal Travellers, a gypsy-like band of space explorers who are willing to share their knowledge of the territory Voyager is about to enter. As Kes oversees the transfer of medical supplies to the group, she becomes infatuated with Zahir, a Mikhal pilot.
In the meantime, the Doctor is engaged in a new project: adding personality routines of famous historical figures, like Gandhi and Lord Byron, to his own program in order to enhance his performance. Torres expresses concern that the subroutines may interact unpredictably and offers to review his program.
As Kes grows increasingly fond of Zahir, the Doctor points out that she is neglecting her duties in Sickbay. Later, the Ocampan confides in Janeway that Zahir wants Kes to leave Voyager and travel with him. As she ponders her decision, Zahir is seriously injured by a mysterious cloaked figure.
The next day, a distraught Kes recounts Zahir's injuries to the Doctor. They're interrupted by Torres, who has found a potential problem with his program. Later, Tuvok and Janeway find Torres collapsed on the floor of Sickbay. The Doctor blames her condition on something she ate, but after Tuvok and Janeway leave, it becomes clear that he's the one who caused Torres' condition. The Doctor unsuccessfully tries to coerce her into removing his original "bland" personality from his blend of subroutines, which are rapidly destabilizing.
As Tuvok investigates the attack on Zahir, the Doctor kidnaps Kes. The discovery of residual holographic signatures near the attack site alerts the crew that the Doctor is the culprit. As the Doctor drags Kes along the mountain path where he assaulted Zahir, he's apprehended by Tuvok and Chakotay. Refusing to give up, he throws himself and Kes over a cliff. Voyager's transporter beams them up before they hit bottom, and Torres is able to delete the dangerous subroutines, which restores the Doctor to normal. Kes decides to remain on Voyager with her friends.


Kes's Role:
Kes is part of the away team assigned to go down to the Planet to trade for supplies and information about the upcoming area of space, with the Mikal. She works with a man named Zahir and finds herself falling in love with him, she does consider leaving Voyager. When The Doctor's program malfunctions and goes 'evil' he kidnaps Kes. She, of course, ends up staying aboard Voyager. This is her first and only real romance after breaking up with Neelix.

"Darkling" is a joint episode between The Doctor and Kes really. The 'evil' Doctor is a good idea to do, the way he treats B'Ellana in Sickbay is kind of disturbing! This is the first episode in which Kes is given new sorts of outfits, all in one navy blue and red.

My Episode Rating: 8.5/10

Before and After

Kes finds herself in Sickbay, on the verge of death. The Doctor activates something he calls a bio-temporal chamber and Kes experiences a shift in perception. She finds herself with a boy - apparently her grandson Andrew - who gives her a belated birthday gift. The Doctor tells her he's going to put her into the bio-temporal chamber to prolong her life. She's in the Morilogium, the final phase of the Ocampan lifespan. Suddenly Kes . . .
. . . awakens in her quarters, where Andrew is still working on the present that he already gave her. Kes meets Linnis, her daughter, who is married to Harry Kim. Linnis' father is Tom Paris, who is also Kes' husband. As Kes tries to take all this in . . .

. . . she finds herself celebrating her ninth birthday with her family and friends. Andrew tells her he hasn't had a chance to begin working on her present. Bewildered, Kes tells the Doctor that she seems to be experiencing life in reverse. Consulting her medical records, Kes learns she suffered from chronoton radiation poisoning when Voyager was under attack by the Krenim. As Kes reasons that the radiation exposure may explain her condition . . .

. . . she experiences another jump. This time she goes immediately to the Doctor, who confirms that the chronoton particles, reactivated in the future by the bio-temporal chamber, are moving her backwards in time. To stop the jumps, they must purge her of the radiation -- and the only way to do that is to find out the temporal variance of the Krenim torpedo that contaminated her.
Kes continues jumping back in time . . . to the birth of Linnis . . . and to the Krenim attack, when she was exposed to the radiation. Finding the torpedo, she notes the temporal variance, then jumps again . . . to a year earlier, where she warns Janeway to avoid Krenim space and gives the Doctor the information to program a bio-temporal chamber that will purge her system. As the chronoton count begins to drop, Kes experiences several more jumps . . . eventually arriving at her moment of conception. Just as she ceases to exist, her body is purged and she awakens back in the period in which they were using the chamber to eliminate the chronoton particles, where she happily notes there's no time like the present.

Kes: It's as though I came into existence at the moment of my own death with any memories. I've been living my life backwards ever since jumping progressively to earlier moments in my life accumulating memories and experiences as I go. Your past has become my future.

Kes's Role:
This another episode which is completely focussed on Kes's character. We see many events in a possible future for Voyager via Kes travelling backwards through time. We find out Kes marries Tom Paris, has a child named Linnis who marries Harry Kim. They also have a child, a son named Andrew. Kes is present in a time the crew call "The Year of Hell" and there is a Two-Part episode next Season with this name.

"Before and After" is a top Season 3 episode and my third favourite Kes episode after "Cold Fire" and "Warlord". It keeps you very interested all the way through. And, Kes does look great with long hair!

My Episode Rating: 9/10

Full Episode List

  • Basics Part 2
  • Flashback
  • The Chute
  • The Swarm
  • False Profits
  • Remember
  • Sacred Ground
  • Future's End Part 1
  • Future's End Part 2
  • Warlord
  • The Q and the Grey
  • Macrocosm
  • Fair Trade
  • Alter Ego
  • Coda
  • Blood Fever
  • Unity
  • Darkling
  • Rise
  • Favourite Son
  • Before and After
  • Real Life
  • Distant Origin
  • Displaced
  • Worst Case Scenario
  • Scorpion Part 1